Previously, they had individuals in each department running the enablement and L&D functions.
With this setup, it was like the wild west.
Everyone was solving the same problems for their respective departments.
All of those individuals were taken out of their individual departments and were placed onto a single team that served all departments.
This brought a change in the way they worked in addition to figuring out how to work together as a team.
The departments needed to know what to expect from this new team.
The team now had to set boundaries around what they would deliver, and not deliver, to each department.
Chris was the person who proposed this new L&D structure where a single team would serve all departments.
He was excited when the team came together but he also felt anxious.
Chris spent many nights thinking about how he was going to get buy-in from leaders at different levels across a number of departments.
In addition to getting buy-in, Chris had to figure out how he was going to align everyone on the priorities of the team and what to expect from his team.
Chris turned to the B2B Leaders Academy for help solving this problem.
He discovered the Power of Frameworks training and realized that he needed to create a framework.
Chris talked with his Chief Customer Officer (CCO) about his new team after the plans were approved.
His CCO shared what Chris needed to do to get the team off the ground.
Chris had been thinking about this for a long time and had a ton of ideas on what to do.
It felt to Chris like his CCO was telling him exactly what he needed to do and how to do it.
When Chris went through the Power of Frameworks training in the B2B Leaders Academy, he discovered what a framework is and how he could use one to articulate exactly what he and his team will be doing.
He realized that his CCO had been speaking to him through the language of frameworks.
Chris took inspiration from the framework examples shared in the training and began to follow the steps outlined to create his own framework.
Chris looked at all the things he and his team wanted to accomplish and communicate to the departments they served.
They came up with their own framework which included WalkMe the Solution, WalkMe the Company, Do My Job, and Professional Development.
These four major areas encompassed everything Chris had previously thought about but now he had a way to communicate it.
He took this new framework to his CCO and immediately got buy-in because he was communicating at an executive level.
This framework allowed Chris' team to clearly understand what they would be responsible for and have a vision for what they would deliver.
Once they knew what they would deliver, it empowered them to draw clear boundaries.
If something was requested that didn't fit into one of the four areas, it was immediately clear, and alternative solutions were provided that involved other teams.
The framework enabled Chris and his team to get buy-in from all of the leaders on what to expect from his L&D team.
With a framework in place, Chris feels confident in what he is doing and articulates that up to leadership.
Chris is even in conversations with the CEO and his Chief of Staff to bring one of their projects to the entire company.
He is able to have these strategic conversations because he can clearly communicate at the right level to the right audience using a framework.
Chris is an Elite Leader.
Discover the coaching and communication skills used by the world's top leaders (running B2B organizations) to solve challenges and become an "Elite Leader".