The previous manager did not have any systems in place to run the team.
Performance reviews started soon after Nate took over.
Nate had to go to other people in the business to get information on his new team.
He felt like an imposter who couldn't back up what he had to deliver in the performance reviews.
He couldn't share anything from the previous manager because it didn't exist.
This team of 11 was responsible for the company's most strategic accounts.
Nate had no visibility into account health, active projects, upcoming and at-risk renewals.
Inheriting a team of 11 managing the most strategic accounts with no systems or data was a big problem.
Stepping into this role and facing these problems, Nate felt hopeless.
He was the only manager in the US.
Nate received a promotion to this position as a new manager.
One day, he was a peer in this group of 11.
The next day, he's the manager of the team.
He knew he had to progress the team into a more positive place.
The imposter syndrome hit hard and contributed to Nate feeling hopeless.
The B2B Leaders Academy gave Nate the confidence to put repeatable systems in place.
Nate had worked at this company for 7 years and was always a high performer.
He had his own way of doing things.
But, because he had his way of doing things, taking time off was difficult.
When Nate would leave the office, it was stressful.
Whether it was a day or a week off, the stress didn't stop.
When Nate took "time off", he didn't allow himself to take "time off".
Up to this point, building repeatable systems for Nate was a "Nice to have."
In a perfect world, these would be something he would spend time building.
The B2B Leaders Academy showed Nate that building repeatable systems is a "MUST HAVE."
Following the steps outlined, Nate spent time thinking about his highest priority systems.
Customer escalations and measuring the performance of his team became his priorities.
Customer escalations were taking a large percentage of Nate's time.
He knew data was critical to measuring the performance of his team.
But he also wanted to share the performance data with his team.
If his team had this data, they could build their own repeatable systems.
After defining the strategy, Nate went to his operations team with a very clear ask for what he wanted.
Within a few weeks, the operations team presented a mock dashboard draft for Nate to review.
Within a month, Nate started working through the new dashboards and rolled them out to his team.
The difference in how he felt before building repeatable systems and after is night and day.
Nate reduced his feelings of imposter syndrome.
He now has everything in place to handle customer escalations.
Tracking, reporting, data, and metrics covering every aspect of his team are in place.
Nate's team meetings and 1:1's are now run by data produced from these repeatable systems.
If someone in the future were to become the manager of this team, they would have everything they needed.
These repeatable systems are setting up Nate's department and company to scale.
When new managers join the business, they now have a foundation in place to get up to speed and run a book of business.
Compared to where Nate was where he used to take "time off" but didn't actually take "time off"...
That's not happening anymore!
Nate is an Elite Leader.
Discover the coaching and communication skills used by the world's top leaders (running B2B organizations) to solve challenges and become an "Elite Leader".